
Science at Halwin
Aim: Pupils learn to understand of the world through the knowledge of science.
The curriculum drivers: Vocabulary, Identity, Locality and Personality (VILP) tackle the challenges our pupils face and are interwoven throughout the learning.
Vocabulary: Key to success in science is the ability to communicate predictions and explanations of phenomena. Children need an extensive vocabulary of terms for this communication to be accurate and precise.
Identity: Learning about ourselves and the world around us develops motivation and curiosity.
Locality: Learning about our scientific locality makes knowledge and conceptual understanding real.
Personality: We are led by those who have come before us and those who are striving now to further the collective fount of human knowledge. We can be inspired by them to achieve greatness.
Our curriculum is structured and supported through the use of a published scheme - Plymouth Science.
We have chosen this scheme for the strong emphasis it places on working scientifically, providing pupils with frequent practical and real life experiences to reinforce their learning. 
To support a two year rolling programme the class structure for the teaching of science changes slightly, pupils are taught in the following groups - EYFS, Yr1/2, Yr3/4, Yr5/6. Science is taught weekly as a discrete subject. 
When planning and delivering science lessons teachers consider the unique circumstances of Halwin School alongside the needs of the pupils in their class. There are opportunities for assessment build into each lesson, enabling teacher to identify where further reinforcement of key concepts may be required.